Minnesota Genealogy

Minnesota Genealogy is being developed as a genealogical and historical resource for your personal use. It contains information and records for Minnesota ancestry, family history, and genealogy. Specifically, it provides sources for birth records, death records, marriage records, census records, tax records, court records, and military records. It also provides some historical details about different times and people in Minnesota history.

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Biographies of Minnesota

Miscellaneous History of Minnesota

Meeker County Immigration

Neighboring States Genealogy

The following states neighbor Minnesota and are not included in the list of Great Lakes Genealogy below.

Great Lakes Genealogy

Presbyterian Church, Meeker County, Minnesota

The first Presbyterian Church and society organized in the county of Meeker was at Forest City by Rev. J. C. Whitney, who came to Forest City in the spring of 1858 and organized a Presbyterian society Sept. 25th, 1859 and styled “The trustees of the Westminister Presbyterian Society of Forest…

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Methodist Episcopal Church in Meeker County

Rev. John Robson preached the first sermon in Forest City, November 1856. Mr. Robson continued to preach in Forest City during the winter of 1856-7 and through the summer of 1857. In May 1857, Wm. Walker, organized a Sunday school, Wait H. Dart Superintendent. Rev. Thomas Haiwood was the first…

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Meeker County Minnesota History

Our history will be but a shadow, and the names of Ripley, Hall, Whitney, DeCoster, Campbell, Fitzgerald, Weymer, Salisbury, Dougherty, Atkinson, VanNess, Mitchell, Dorman, Taylor, Evans, Skinner, Jewett, Kennedy, Stevens, Harvey, Piper, Caswell, Angier, Willis, Dart, Whitcomb, King, Greenleaf, Branham. Fitch, Ball, Hoyt, Griswold, Grayson, Stanton, Robson, Richards, Gorton, Wakefield,…

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M-de-wa-kan-ton County

The whole classed as Undine (or Spiritual) region; while the entire country west of St. Anthony, and north of the “Minnesotah” was known as the M-de-wa-kan-ton country, a little west of the center of which, in latitude 45, and longitude 95, Nicollet retained as the most beautiful lakes in Minnesota,…

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Mark Warren Esq. Arrested

On the 23d. Mark Warren Esq., county Atty. for Meeker county, was arrested at Monticello and returned to Forest City under guard, on the grave charge of being a “Copperhead.” Copperheads were supposed to be in league with the Indians as well as the South. Warren was furloughed at Forest…

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Manannah, Meeker County, Minnesota

Manannah; was organized as a township, April 5th,1858, and originally embraced the west half of 120–31, 120-32, 121-31, and 121 32. On the 15th of November, 1855, Chris Davis, Green Sykes, Ziba Caswell and Nathan C. Caswell left Monticello, Wright County in search of a mill-site and farm-land, passing through…

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Little Crow

The great native warrior, together with his son-young Crow, were quietly making a dinner of raspberries, when the Irishman’s bullet called him to his final account. Little Crow and son were dining together and Lamson and son were out hunting together the hunters came suddenly in sight of the Indians…

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Litchfield, Meeker County, Minnesota

Litchfield, is named after another unfortunate stockholder of the Railroad company, who, it appears, resides in the -rural village of London, England. The Congressional township was originally called ” Ripley ” from the lake of that name in said town, and the lake was named from the fact that near…

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The Judiciary

During the early period which our historical reminiscences extend, such a thing as a “Judiciary” or any necessity for law, was unheard of and unknown in the county. No county was ever settled by a better set of boys, and none submitted to the hardships . of a new country…

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