Biography of Peter M. Duklet of Goose Prairie township, Minnesota

Peter M. Duklet is among the pioneers of Clay county who has played no little part in making Goose Prairie township the progressive and up-to-date section of the country that it is. He was born in Norway in 1851, and in 1860 he came to America and settled in Houston county, Minnesota, where the first ten years of American life was spent in a dug-out, and in this same sod house four of his children were born. He then decided to try northern Minnesota, and with a number of other farmers, took up a claim in Clay county of a quarter section. He broke his land with oxen, and with his successful yield of crops he was soon able to erect a new house and make a comfortable home for himself and family, and Mrs. Duklet was ever ready to assist in all branches of toil necessary on the farm. She was a general assistant indoors and out until her sons became old enough to share the hard work in her stead. They gradually accumulated from their faithful efforts until at this time Mr. Duklet owns half a section of finely improved farm land, worth at least thirty-five dollars per acre.

Mr. and Mrs. Duklet are members of the Synod Lutheran church, and their children are Ole, Casper, John, Crimel, Elmer and Peder.

Mr. Duklet has erected a fine large barn and granary, with good sheds and other outbuildings, and his home is among the best in this section of the county. He is a public-spirited man, a good neighbor and valuable citizen.


C.F. Cooper & Company, History of the Red River Valley, Past And Present: Including an Account of the Counties, Cities, Towns And Villages of the Valley From the Time of Their First Settlement And Formation, volumes 1-2; Grand Forks: Herald printing company, 1909.

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