Biography of Ole Evans of Ulen Township, Minnesota

Ole Evans, a well known resident of Ulen township, now deceased, was the son of Arne (also deceased) and Julia (Ulen) Evans, who settled in Ulen township with their family in the year 1881. Ole was born in the town of Cuba, in Becker county, Minnesota, on November 12, 1871, and died in October, 1903. He married Miss Gusta Hanson on August 9, 1898, and they had one son, Raymond.

Mr. Evans was educated first in the country schools, and later attended school in Grand Forks, North Dakota, the college at Moorhead, and lastly the seminary at Red Wing, Minnesota. He was ten years of age when he came to Ulen with his parents, where he grew to manhood in the highest esteem of his friends. His first business venture was in 1894, when he opened a hardware store in Ulen, and the following year took as a partner Mr. O. P. Olson, and the business was conducted under the firm name of Olson & Evans for about four years, when Mr. Evans purchased Olson‘s interest and carried on the store from that time on, and at his death he had the largest hardware business in Ulen. He owned the first bicycle in the village and also the first automobile.

Mr. Evans was a member of the United Lutheran church, and was one of the most popular men of the county, both in business and socially. His friends were numerous to mourn their loss of him. The Ulen band played at his funeral services, and all business operations ceased on that day. Mrs. Evans is still living and is held in high esteem by her many friends in Ulen.

Mr. Evans was the second of a family of five children, two sons and three daughters, viz. : Mrs. L. P. Herreed, Edwin, Mrs. J. E. Heimark and Rose are his sisters and brother. They were all well educated and all have families except Rose, who was recently married.


C.F. Cooper & Company, History of the Red River Valley, Past And Present: Including an Account of the Counties, Cities, Towns And Villages of the Valley From the Time of Their First Settlement And Formation, volumes 1-2; Grand Forks: Herald printing company, 1909.

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