Biography of Elling Klemmetson of Ulen Minnesota

Elling Klemmetson, a successful farmer in Ulen Township, Minnesota, immigrated to the United States from Norway as a young boy. He built a prosperous farm and a comfortable home, raising a large family of ten children with his wife Segre. Elling actively participated in community initiatives and held positions on the school board while remaining dedicated to the Lutheran Church.

Elling Klemmetson, the owner of a fine 160-acre farm in section 2 of Ulen Township, Clay County, Minnesota, arrived in the county on March 1, 1880. He is the brother of Mr. Helge Klemmetson, another prosperous farmer in Ulen Township, whose biography is featured elsewhere in this history. Elling was born on May 13, 1861, in Lunner Bingereg, Norway. As a young boy, he immigrated to America with his mother and six siblings, embarking on a four-week journey. Their father had previously passed away, leaving their mother widowed with seven young children. The family initially settled in Spring Grove, Houston County, Minnesota, where their mother worked tirelessly to support the family and endured the hardships of pioneer life. After five years in Houston County, they relocated to Clay County, following in the footsteps of Mr. Helge Klemmetson, who had settled in Ulen Township the previous year. In Ulen Township, Elling obtained a homestead in section 2, built a log house, and cultivated the land using oxen. Over time, he developed a splendid residence, complete with spacious barns, granaries, and other outbuildings, befitting his status as one of the county’s prosperous and forward-thinking citizens. His farm is well-stocked, and he relies on a reliable windmill to pump water. In essence, he enjoys a beautiful, modern country home that far surpasses the living conditions of his earlier years. In 1885, Elling married Miss Segre Sevorson, also a native of Norway, born on December 1, 1861. They have been blessed with a joyful family of ten children: Carl S., Christina, Henry, Carolina, Oscar E., Edward, Anita, Bertha E., Inga, and Mada. Throughout his life, Elling has been a staunch supporter of the Republican Party and an active participant in initiatives aimed at improving his town and county. He served as the treasurer on the school board for several years. The Klemmetson family are devoted members of the Lutheran Church in Ulen Township.


C.F. Cooper & Company, History of the Red River Valley, Past And Present: Including an Account of the Counties, Cities, Towns And Villages of the Valley From the Time of Their First Settlement And Formation, volumes 1-2; Grand Forks: Herald printing company, 1909.

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