Minnesota Genealogy contains information and records for Minnesota ancestry, family history, and genealogy. Specifically, it provides sources for birth records, death records, marriage records, census records, tax records, court records, and military records. It also provides some historical details about different times and people in Minnesota history.
Biographies of Minnesota
These 89 biographical sketches were extracted from the History of the Red River Valley, Past And Present: Including an Account of the Counties, Cities, Towns And Villages of the Valley From the Time of Their First Settlement And Formation volumes 1 and 2. They include only those from Minnesota.
- Aaker, Hans A.
- Austinson, A. T.
- Austinson, Torkle
- Brandt, John F,
- Catlin, Frank A.
- Catlin, Irving S.
- Christianson, Anton
- Colburn, Adna
- Colburn, Charles E.
- Comstock, Solomon G.
- Cyr, Alphonse
- Darrow, Daniel C.
- Davy, W. H.
- Diemert, William H.
- Duklet, Peter M.
- Evans, Arne
- Evans, Ole
- Feragen, Johannes O.
- Gilbertson, H. O.
- Glaisyer, Herbert
- Godfrey, Joseph V.
- Hagen, Olaf J.
- Hammet, William G.
- Hanson, Nels
- Hauge, Rev. S. G.
- Heimark, Knut Olai E., Dr.
- Helgeson, Knud
- Herring, Fred
- Hitterdal, Mrs. Lars O.
- Holman, Iver
- Holt, Ben F.
- Houglum, Andrew O.
- Johnson, Andrew
- Johnson, Fred
- Johnson, Julius C.
- Johnston, John F.
- Kiefer, Philip Henry
- Klemmetson, Elling
- Klemmetson, Helge
- Lamphere, George N.
- Mackall, Benjamin F.
- Madison, Edward J.
- Marden, Charles S.
- McCartan, Arthur Augustus
- McGrath, Dennis F.
- McGrath, John
- McGrath, Thomas
- McPhee, John D.
- Melbye, O. C.
- Merritt, William H.
- Miller, Charles E.
- Misner, Harvey Chase
- Nash, William C.
- Nedburge, Knud
- Nelson, Christopher E.
- Nykreim, S. M. T.
- Paulson, Christian
- Perley, George E.
- Peterson, Axel W.
- Reiersgaarden, Even Olsen
- Reiersgord, Ole E.
- Rushfeldt, Hans
- Schroeder, Edward Carl
- Schroeder, Henry
- Sharp, James H.
- Shirley, Halvor L.
- Skalet, Ole
- Sliper, Peder
- Stadum, Norman H.
- Stalley, Fred
- Stodder, Louis T.
- Syverson, Christopher
- Syverson, Edward
- Syverson, Reir
- Tang, Severt O.
- Thompson, George J.
- Thompson, Peter E.
- Thysell, Nels J.
- Tweeton, Henry G.
- Tweeton, John G.
- Ulen, Ole
- Walker, Thomas Barlow
- Webb, Robert B.
- Weld, Frank A.
- Wheeler, Edwin J.
- Wheeler, Jerome W.
- Widlund, S. Bernhard
- Wije, Andrew H.
- Wollan, Gustav B.
Miscellaneous History of Minnesota
- Forest Fire Deaths, Hinckley, Pine County, Minnesota, 1894
- Visit our new Meeker County
- Dassel, Minnesota Those were the Days
Meeker County Immigration
New Minnesota Genealogy
Commanding Officers of Fort Snelling, 1819-1858
Biography of S. Bernhard Widlund of Hawley Minnesota
Biography of S. M. T. Nykreim of Ulen Minnesota
Biography of Severt O. Tang of Moorehead Minnesota
Biography of Thomas Barlow Walker of Minneapolis Minnesota
Biography of Thomas McGrath of Barnesville Minnesota
Biography of William C. Nash of East Grand Forks Minnesota
Biography of William G. Hammet of Hawley Minnesota
Biography of William H. Merritt of Moorehead Minnesota
Biography of Knud Helgeson of Ulen Minnesota
Neighboring States Genealogy
The following states neighbor Minnesota and are not included in the list of Great Lakes Genealogy below.