Methodist Episcopal Church in Meeker County

Rev. John Robson preached the first sermon in Forest City, November 1856. Mr. Robson continued to preach in Forest City during the winter of 1856-7 and through the summer of 1857. In May 1857, Wm. Walker, organized a Sunday school, Wait H. Dart Superintendent.

Rev. Thomas Haiwood was the first preacher on the Forest City circuit, in 1857. Rev. S. F. Sterritt, of Monticello, Presiding Elder. First Quarterly Meeting held at Kingston, October l0th, 1857.

Official members present, Rev. S. F. Sterritt, P. E. Thomas Harwood, P. E. and E. H. Whitney, L. E. and B. Lyford, Stewards, E. H. Whitney, John Robson, W. H. Dart, R. M. Eastman, and B. Lyford. J. W. Griswold Recording Steward.

Second Quarterly Meeting held at the house of John Robson, in Forest City Jan. 25th 1858. Rev. C. C. Kidder supplied the Forest City circuit in 1858.

September 4th, of this year a legal organization was had, and a board of Trustees appointed consisting of Messrs John W. Griswold, John Robson, Wait H. Dart, E. H. Whitney and Rufus M. Eastman.

To be known and styled as a “Board of Trustees to hold in trust certain church property located in the Town of Forest City, county of Meeker and State of Minnesota.”

Said organization was made a matter of record, in the Registry of Deeds in said county in Book B. of mortgages page 326.

1861-2 Rev. S. Chubbuck occupied the Forest City circuit.

Mr. Chubbuck was at Forest City at the time of the Indian outbreak and while his connection with conference forbade his uniting with our “irregular” volunteer guards he nevertheless shouldered the musket and did as good service as any man in Meeker County, until the meeting of conference when duty required him to leave. In the hours of danger Mr. Chubbuck was one of the coolest calmest men we had-showing no fear in the discharge of duty-brave but not rash, a man of few words, he was a model of a Christian gentleman.

August 4th, 1862 a new Board of Trustees was appointed consisting of Messrs John W. Griswold, Wait H. Dart, E. H. Whitney, Henry Keech and Allen Green.

In 1863 Rev. F. Berlin preached at Forest City occasionally.

In 1864 Rev. Levi Gleason performed similar service.

In consequence of the Indian War, there was very little done by this church for two or three years and no reports of interest made. Under date of 1864-5 the Methodist Episcopal record contains the following entry: “Conference year 1864-5 Rev. M. S. Harriman Walked the Clearwater circuit when it was large enough to kill a horse.”

No records for 1865 except that the Clearwater circuit was divided and the Forest City circuit re-established.

In 1866 Rev. Jesse Smith and J. W. Stuntz supplied the circuit.

1867, Mr. Stuntz continued at Forest City.

1868, Rev. Mr. Fasig occupied the ground.

1869, Rev. Thadeus J. Woodworth was appointed to the Forest City circuit, then composed of Forest City, Kingston, Silver Creek and Pleasant Lake.

Meeting at Kingston Nov. 22nd. 1870, Mr. Woodworth continued in charge, Rev. Charles Griswold Presiding Elder. We find the following entry in the church record: “voted to re release J. W. Griswold: from, and appoint Judge Smith to the Board of Trustees of the Forest City church property—a board of Trustees. was appointed to hold church property in Litchfield Rev. Charles Griswold, lost the report.

The first Quarterly Meeting held at Litchfield, was Nov. 28th, 1869.

In 1870, the name of the circuit was changed to “Litchfield” and Rev. Mr. Fasig was left in charge. 1871-2 no records.

1873, Rev. Isaac H. Riddick was located at Litchfield, also for the years 1874-5.

1876, Rev. Samuel Wood was appointed to this station but soon resigned in consequence of bad health.

Present membership of the Methodist Episcopal church 60.

The church edifice at Litchfield cost $3.000 of which $500, was donated by the Remington‘s of Ilion, New York, and the lots donated by Smith D. King. The house was erected in 1873 under the supervision of Rev. Mr. Copp.


Smith, A. C., A random historical sketch of Meeker County, Minnesota: from its first settlement to July 4th, 1876,;Litchfield, Minn.: Belfoy & Joubert, 1877.

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