Volunteers from Meeker County in the Civil War

Volunteers from Meeker County who served in the Civil War.

NamesRegiment &c.
Angier, AlbertThird
Allen, L. DFourth
Atkinson, J. B.Capt. Artil
Bradshaw, J. H .Third
Butler, DanielFourth
Brink, J. A.Scout
Baldwin, S D LFourth
Borgusrode, RFifth
Bennett, Wm PHatch Bat.
Branham, E. F.Second
Branham, Wm2d Cavalry
Campbell. DanSecond
Campbell, Wm M. (re-enlisted as Vet’n)Cavalry
Campbell, E A  (re-enlisted as Vet’n)Cavalry
Clinton, HSecond
Chapin, IsaacSecond
Cates, W SFourth
Caswell, WilliamCavalry
Deary, James2d Cavalry
Delong, AlbertScout
DeCoster, F V4th, Cap.
Dunn, James WFourth
Evans, EdBracks. Bat
Eastman, RufusFirst
Fisher, Jasper2nd Cavalry
Fitzgerald, John2nd Cavalry
Flynn, Michael2nd Cavalry
Fallon, ThomasFourth
Fallon, JohnFourth
Foster, WilliamThird
Grayson, ThomasHatch Bat.
Howe, FrankHatch Bat.
Howe, Henry SHatch Bat.
Hutchins, SamuelCavalry
Hall, Wm HFourth
Hutchins, MosesSecond
Hoyt, Azro Buck16th Wis.
Johnson, LorainThird
Johnson, WilliamCavalry
Jackson, GilbertSecond
Johnson, ChrisSecond
Koch, Wm.Cavalry
Koch, MaximilianCavalry
Koch, LouisHeavy Artil
Kennedy, V. PFifth
Lawrence, A. C.Fourth
Luton, HenryCavalry
Little, G. W. P.Cavalry
Larson, AndrewCavalry
Mixter, HoraceSharp Shoot
McCaun, MichaelFourth
McGraw, DanielHatch Bat.
McGraw, CorneliusHatch Bat.
Murphy, JamesEighth
Mattson, PaulSixth
Mickelson, HCavalry
Maybee, ChasHatch Bat.
McGaffy, HenrySharp Shoot
Nichols, SethFourth
Nelson, AndrewSecond
Oaks, OSecond
Oleson, ATenth
Page, PhillipSharp shoot
Page, GeorgeCavalry Vet
Pottle, BenFifth
Peabody, ChasHatch Bat.
Peterson, OleSixth
Peterson, JohnThird
Reef, EmanuelHatch Bat.
Rhodes, DanFourth
Rigg, Jos. TSecond
Rogers, LeversonSharp Shoot
Rogers, JeromeCavalry
Sholes, Geo. S.  jr.Second
Stearn, PeterCavalry
Schultz, Carl5th;Cavalry
Salisbury, J BHatch Bat.
Stark, FelixThird
Stinchfield, C HCaptain
Taylor, DudleyFourth
Taylor, AlbertThird
Taylor, JoelFourth
Todd, JeromeThird
Waite, Reuben 
Walker, J. W.Sharp Shoot
Whitcomb, Geo. CCapt. Caval
Whitney, AugustusFourth
Wigle, John1st Cavalry
Williams, AugustusSixth
Willis, WilliamThird

Mustered in August 24th 1862

 J. B. AtkinsonM. GortonJas. M Harvey
O. B. ToddA. F. HeathG. W. Waggoner
J. HeathWm. CaswellH. J. Hill
J. V.. Branham jr.G. S. Sholes sen.Jerome Rogers
S.W. WhiteChas. D. MaybeeHerman Kruger
Jas. LangSylvester StevensOliver Gibbins
Samuel HutchinsPatrick CondonT C. Jewett
Albert SperryJ. H. BradshawW. Johnson
A. C. SmithAndrew NelsonMichael McGraw
J. B. GarrisonDan. McGrawGeo. R. Page
Thos. GraysonC. E. PaysonJesse F. Cobb
Jos. ThomasThos. RaganHenry L. Smith
Oslog OlsonH. StevensAlfred Mousley
F. G. GouldAlga OlsonA. B. Hoyt
E. A. ChapinWm. BranhamD. Chapin
R. B. RalstonEli GibbinsWm. Wilcox
Henry JohnsonH. S, HoweH. Mickelson
A. HamiltonLory SmithN. H White
H. LutonsChas. KrugerD. M. Holbrook
H. BehrmannNels TornomE. Swoutart

Elected Officers

J. B. Atkinson1st Lieutenant
H.. Stevens2nd Lieutenant
Wm. Branham1st. Sergeant
H. S. Howe2nd Sergeant
Dan. McGraw3d Sergeant
 F. G. Gould4th Sergeant
A. F. Heath1st Corporal
H. J. Hill2nd Corporal
T. C. Jewett3rd Corporal
Sam Hutchins4th Corporal
J. M. Harvey5th Corporal
R. B. Ralston6th Corporal
N. H. White7th Corporal
A. B. Hoyt8th Corporal

Pleasing Duty

J. B. Atkinson1 st Lieutenant
H. J. Hill2nd Corp’l
Wm . Branham1st Sergeant
T. C. Jewett3rd Sergeant
H S. Howe2nd Sergeant
Sam Hutchins4th Sergeant
I A. F. Heath1st Corp
B. B. Ralston5th Corp
O. B. ToddPrivate
W. WaggonerPrivate
C. McGrawPrivate
Michael McGrawPrivate
H. KrogerPrivate
F. G. GouldPrivate
A. HamiltonPrivate

G. C. Whitcomb clamed to be Captain by virtue of Col. Sibley’s commission and his receipt for the guns and refused to give them up under any other circumstance. The following were thereupon elected officers.

The 44 Springfield Muskets were distributed to the men as far as they went remainder unarmed, except with a few Belgian guns that had been received from some quarter, and as it was thought best to have the men armed, all mounted, and as we had but 15 horses and it was ascertained that a a party of skedaddlers were yet lingering in Kingston, a detail was made to the extent of all the horses on hand, with a man and gun on each, to go to Kingston and seize horses.

The following were detailed for that pleasing duty.

J. B. Atkinson1 st Lieutenant
H. J. Hill2nd Corp’l
Wm . Branham1st Sergeant
T. C. Jewett3rd Sergeant
H S. Howe2nd Sergeant
Sam Hutchins4th Sergeant
I A. F. Heath1st Corp
B. B. Ralston5th Corp
O. B. ToddPrivate
W. WaggonerPrivate
C. McGrawPrivate
Michael McGrawPrivate
H. KrogerPrivate
F. G. GouldPrivate
A. HamiltonPrivate

Eight officers and seven privates-and this was the first military movement in the county, and was made of the right material.

They went to Kingston armed and equipped, whereupon the first Lieutenant declared Martial Law,  ordered T. C. Jewett to occupy the Clear Water bridge and allow none to escape unless they could speak the word plain-very, very plain, which one or two are said, to have done-cabbaged 23 horses (the best to be had) and returned with their booty to Forest City.

B. CobbForage detail
J. A. StantonForage detail
DeLamaterForage detail
Oliver GibbinsForage detail
W. H. TowlerStock guard
Gottlip ReefStock guard

Thus ended Sunday’s exploits August 24th 1862.


Smith, A. C., A random historical sketch of Meeker County, Minnesota: from its first settlement to July 4th, 1876,;Litchfield, Minn.: Belfoy & Joubert, 1877.

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