The Civil War in Meeker County, Minnesota

Of the early settlers in the county, many of them remain, while others have gone to parts unknown, or paid the debt of nature. There are from 75 to 25 voters who now reside in the county who were here prior to the commencement of the Indian War. The financial crisis of 1857 and ’58 did not facilitate a very rapid growth to Meeker County. At the commencement of the civil war, she had about 300 voters. No county in the State furnished Meeker, the first installment in 1861 and the second in 1862-3. Over 125 men from the county found their way into the Union armies, many of whom were not credited to the county or State, as they had previously removed there from, in consequence of the Indian hostilities-none were ever drafted and Meeker County is yet credited with six three-year men, or 18 years service in the NEXT WAR!

But three were known of the entire number, to have been killed in battle, viz: Reuben Wait, Wellington S. Cates and William Johnson some to or 15 died in hospital.

The following is believed to be a very correct list of volunteers from Meeker County, with the number of their regiment in the State, so far as known:

Meeker County

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