Christian, Swedish and Catholic Churches

Christian, Swedish and Catholic Churches

This church was organized in 1871 with a membership of 38 persons, by Elder L. Y. Bailey. Trustees-Chauncy Butler, G. B. Lyon, V. H. Harris.

Membership in 1876, about 40. Present officers Chauncy Butler, S. W. Leavett, V. H. Harris.

The names of the clergymen officiating in this church, Rev. L. Y. Bailey, F. Grant, John Ains worth and J. McReynolds.

Sunday school number 50 children. This church owns two lots of ground and has a church edifice costing $4.000 no debt. Mr. Ovid Butler of Indianapolis Ind. contributed $1,000 toward the erection of the house.

Swedish Methodist Episcopal Church Of Litchfield

Swedish Methodist Episcopal Church Of Litchfield was organized April 14th, 1874.

Trustees Jonas Peterson, Lewis Johnson, Peter Hanson, Peter Palm and Lewis Swanson. O. Gunderson Presiding Elder, Swedish District Minnesota. Lewis Johnson, Secretary.

The church edifice for this church was built in 1874, and cost about $2,000 paid for by the congregation.

Roman Catholic Church

Was organized at Forest City, in the spring of 1866 by Rev. Father Minolf of St. Cloud.

The first sermon was preached in the spring of 1858 at the house of John Flynn by Rev. Father Whitcomb of St. Cloud-the second by the same person at the house of John Dougherty in the Town of Harvey.

A church edifice was erected in 1866, at Forest City, costing $3,000-individuals of all denominations generously contributed to its erection-size 10 by 60 feet.

The lumber for this building was hauled over 40 miles by teams from Gilman’s mills, beyond St. Cloud, by the members of the church.

Trustees in charge of the erection of the church : Patrick Casey, John Dougherty, Sen. Daniel Dougherty and M. J. Flynn. The society originally embraced about fifty families. Rev. Father John Byrnes officiated in this church from 1867 to 1870-Rev. Father Arthur Hurley, from 1870 to 1873-Rev. Father Cahill from 1873 to 1875 and Rev. Father McDermott since.

Three hundred families now worship at this church.

Present Trustees-Rev Father McDermott Prest. Patrick Casey, Treas. M. J. Flynn Sec.

This house is not now half large enough, to accommodate the congregation.

This completes the record of the different churches of this county to 1876.

Meeker County

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