Little Crow

The great native warrior, together with his son-young Crow, were quietly making a dinner of raspberries, when the Irishman’s bullet called him to his final account.

Little Crow and son were dining together and Lamson and son were out hunting together the hunters came suddenly in sight of the Indians and seeing them first, quickly resolved that white man must scoop Indian, or Indian would scoop white man, and suiting the action to the word, and being a good shot, Lamson scooped Crow-while his son aimed at young Crow, missing him, but disabling his gun-whereupon young Crow fled and left the country-subsequently followed the trail of Gen. Sibley’s army across the plains, as we were informed, and finally ran into Gen. Sibley’s camp in pretty much the condition of Grant’s camp-to get something to to eat! Little Crow was buried at Hutchinson without much ceremony, and without full knowledge at that time that it was in fact Little Crow. Little Crow was a small sized man and a savage chieftain of singular power and genius, always evil disposed to the whites, as was his father 30 or 40 years before. With strong intellect and an un bending will, but had become disgusted with the management of the war by the other chieftains of the hostile tribes.

We have not heard of any new speculations in regard to Little Crow’s remains for some years. The last we heard of them some live Yankee near Hutchinson had his bones in an old soap box, and was trying to drive a sharp bargain by selling them to the Minnesota Historical Society with what success we never learned-alas for human-or rather inhuman fame and greatness. Re port has it, that said Society is in possession of Little Crow’s scalp (we doubt whether he was ever scalped) which had been carefully tanned and consequently will not decay-so that future generations can look on the polished top knot with a due amount of reverence.

So far as the fact is concerned, it is of little consequence whether the tanned scalp now in the archives of the State Historical Society ever covered Little Crow’s pate or not, if after-genera tions only think so, it is just as well, and the man who scalped Christopher Columbus, and could not find where John Rogers was burned Feb. 14th, 1554, will be dead long before the fraud will be dis covered, and as there is no prospect of his leaving any male heirs, posterity will not be likely to trouble itself about the fact. Another report has it, that one J. D. Farmer, of Spring Valley, Minn. became possessor of Little Crow’s skull soon after his death and presented it to Dr. Powell of Lanes boro, and that one Dr. Twitchell of Chatfield has the balance of Little Crow’s “frame work,” doubt ful.

Meeker County

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