Biography of S. M. T. Nykreim of Ulen Minnesota

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S. M. T. Nykreim, born on March 11, 1842, in Norway, was a significant figure in Clay County, Minnesota. Immigrating to the United States in 1868, he initially settled in Illinois and later in Goodhue County, Minnesota. Nykreim married Martha Kopperdal in 1871 and moved to Clay County in 1879, where he established a homestead in Goose Prairie Township. They had seven children. Nykreim was active in his community, serving on the village council, as a trustee of the United Lutheran Church, and engaging in real estate. He passed away on October 11, 1905, in Ulen, Minnesota.

Biography of O. C. Melbye of Ulen Minnesota

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O. C. Melbye, born in 1852 in Christiania, Norway, immigrated to America in 1877, settling in Lake Park, Minnesota. He later moved to Ulen, where he built the first house and established a successful grocery and farm machinery business. Appointed postmaster in 1887, he served for fourteen years under multiple presidents. Active in the community, Melbye was involved in local governance, education, and the insurance industry. Married to Annie Burgerson, they had nine children. A committed Republican and member of the Lutheran Synod, Melbye’s contributions significantly advanced Ulen and Clay County’s development.

Biography of Ole E. Reiersgord of Ulen Minnesota

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Ole E. Reiersgord, born July 23, 1875, in Norway, is the editor of the “Ulen Union” and owner of the “Becker County Journal” in Lake Park, Minnesota. Immigrating to the U.S. as an infant, his family settled in Hagen Township, Clay County, Minnesota. Educated locally and in Moorhead, Reiersgord pursued a business education before excelling as a teacher and later as a publisher. Acquiring the “Ulen Union” in 1898, he has expanded its circulation significantly. Active in community affairs, Reiersgord has served as justice of the peace, village trustee, and recorder. Married to Clara Bjerke in 1897, they have five children: Alice G., Erwin N., Cora A., Lila M., and Ruben I.

Biography of Ole Skalet of Ulen Minnesota

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Ole Skalet, born October 14, 1861, in Houston County, Minnesota, is a self-made and influential figure in Clay County. Son of pioneer settlers Knut and Helga Skalet, Ole grew up on his father’s farm and, after reaching adulthood in 1883, claimed a homestead and tree claim in Keene Township. He developed a productive farm, later expanding his endeavors to include a restaurant and general merchandise business. In Ulen, he managed the Monarch Elevator Company, significantly impacting the local grain trade. Active in public service, Skalet was Ulen’s village president, improving infrastructure, and now leads the Ulen Farm Telephone Company. Married to Martina Martinson in 1885, they had fifteen children, nine of whom survived.

Biography of H. O. Gilbertson of Ulen township, Minnesota

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H. O. Gilbertson, a prosperous farmer from Ulen township, Minnesota, overcame hardships and developed a successful farm, owning 200 acres of productive land. He arrived in the U.S. two years before his father, who settled in Clay County at the age of eighty-eight. Married to Miss Astra Herbransen, they had seven children, with several now living on the family homestead.

Biography of Edward Syverson of Ulen Minnesota

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Edward Syverson, a prosperous and progressive young merchant in Ulen, Minnesota, is highly regarded for his successful businesses in dry goods, clothing, shoes, and groceries. With extensive experience in various fields, including traveling as a salesman, his understanding of human nature contributes to his success. Edward’s affable personality and dedication to his community make him a respected figure. He is a member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks and comes from a family with a strong emphasis on education and growth.

Biography of Even Olsen Reiersgaarden of Ulen Minnesota

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Even Olsen Reiersgaarden, born on December 1, 1851, grew up on a farm in Norway. He immigrated to the United States in 1875, settling in Minnesota. After facing numerous challenges, including the loss of his wives, he eventually became a respected member of the Ulen community. In 1907, he moved to Sask, Canada, where he still resides.

Biography of Elling Klemmetson of Ulen Minnesota

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Elling Klemmetson, a successful farmer in Ulen Township, Minnesota, immigrated to the United States from Norway as a young boy. He built a prosperous farm and a comfortable home, raising a large family of ten children with his wife Segre. Elling actively participated in community initiatives and held positions on the school board while remaining dedicated to the Lutheran Church.

Biography of Christian Paulson of Moorehead Minnesota

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Christian Paulson, the county treasurer of Clay County in Moorhead, Minnesota, has an impressive background. Born to Norwegian immigrants, he overcame early hardships and became self-supporting. Paulson engaged in farming, trading wheat, and owned electric light and telephone businesses. He was appointed county treasurer in 1908 and later elected to the position, earning recognition for his contributions to Ulen’s growth and progress.

Biography of Ole Evans of Ulen Township, Minnesota

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Ole Evans, a well known resident of Ulen township, now deceased, was the son of Arne (also deceased) and Julia (Ulen) Evans, who settled in Ulen township with their family in the year 1881. Ole was born in the town of Cuba, in Becker county, Minnesota, on November 12, 1871, … Read more