Biography of Edward Carl Schroeder of Clay County Minnesota

Red River Valley title page vol 2

Edward Carl Schroeder, a respected businessman in the Red River Valley, has built his reputation through hard work and integrity. Born in Elmwood Township in 1880, he grew up on his father’s farm and later pursued education in St. Paul and Fargo. At the age of twenty-two, he began farming independently and transformed his 500-acre property into a model farm, specializing in potato cultivation and dairy farming. With a remarkable herd of Holsteins and a vast collection of trees, Schroeder has become known as one of the most progressive businessmen in the region. Married to Magdalena, the couple has four children.

Biography of Ole Evans of Ulen Township, Minnesota

Red River Valley title page vol 2

Ole Evans, a well known resident of Ulen township, now deceased, was the son of Arne (also deceased) and Julia (Ulen) Evans, who settled in Ulen township with their family in the year 1881. Ole was born in the town of Cuba, in Becker county, Minnesota, on November 12, 1871, … Read more

Biography of Hans H. Aaker of Moorhead, Minnesota

Hans H Aaker

Hans H. Aaker, proprietor of Aaker’s Business College, was born on a farm near Ridgeway, Iowa, on the 16th day of April, 1862. His father, Hans O. Aaker, was born in Sauland, Telemarken, Norway, in 1825. He emigrated to Winneshiek county, Iowa, where he was one of the early settlers … Read more