The Guerrilla Guards

The “Guerrilla Guards” consisted of about 35 men and boys, while Capt. Pettit was now stationed here with a full company of U. S. soldiers Apprehending difficulty in making the arrest at Whitcombs quarters. Judge Griswold had made a call on Capt. Pettit of which the following is a copy.

To Capt. G. F. PETTIT:
Co. B. 8th, Regiment, Minn. Vol’s.

Sir: Circumstances are such as to compel me to issue a warrant against, and to deal with, according to law, one Wm. Branham, Geo. W. Waggoner and Cornelius McGraw for a gross breach of the peace, as is alleged.
Circumstances are also such as to render it more than probable that said warrant cannot be duly served without the aid of the military arm of the State.

You are therefore, directed and required to render to the special officer in charge of the execution of said warrant, such military assistance as he may need for the the faithful discharge of his duty.
Respectfully, J. W. GRISWOLD.
Justice Peace, M. C. M.

Stanton thought he could arrest the boys with out help-by others, it was thought doubtful-the sequel will show that Stanton had made most proficiency in the study of human nature. He went to Whitcombs quarters and separately whispered to the culprits, that Smith had a basket of apples at his office and Would like to treat his friends and had sent him to invite a few of them, following close behind them, as they passed into the office-Stanton cooly locked the door drew forth the warrant and in his inimitable suttering style, respectfully informed them that they were his prisoners.

At this moment Judge Griswold sat at the head of the table “looking more law” than any Lord Coke ever dreampt of, Smith at the foot with the “code” under his arm, and Capt. Pettit with Lieuts. Hollister and Shaw on either side in full uniform, evidently the most dignified tribunal ever assembled in the county.

When Stanton’s “ruse” was understood by the company present, order for a time was difficult to be preserved.

For certain reasons, in connection with the rest of Whitcomhs boys, Stanton soon had business at Clearwater, and the court assigned the prisoners to the keeping of “Uncle Ike Delamatter,” whose age and venerable looks were sure, to protect him from insult.

Whitcomb and Atkinson defended the prison ers bravely, but. the judge held them to bail for their appearance at the next term of the District Court to answer to an indictment for false imprisonment. The case has not yet been disposed of, and so far as we know, the prisoners are yet in the legal custody of “Uncle Ike.”

Some deny the correctness of this report, and we confess to two . strong reasons why it might well be doubted—first the known fact that Judge Atkinson was never before found at the pinching end of the judicial nippers and secondly this was the only occasion known in the history of the county, when Jewett was at all backward, or need-ed any help, in getting into a muss!

Legal proceedings in the county could be re counted to most any’ extent and perhaps with some degree of interest, but the printer reminds us that our book is about large enough, and we will be compelled to desist. In many of the cases the udicrous predominate and while the old saw holds good that– “A little nonsense now and then, Is relished by the best of men.”

We are reminded that it is not quite safe to go in for too much of it. Kandiyohi county was attached to Meeker for judicial purposes from 1857 to 187o and we have a quantity of judicial and oth er “nuts to crack” at the expense of that county, but we must desist, as we do not like to deprive Kandiyohi of her own future history.

The first person ever sentenced to the Penitentiary from this county was a man by the name of Roberts in 1869 for twenty-two months Judge Vanderburgh presiding Roberts thanked the Judge cordially for the brevity of the time fixed, and hoped he (the judge) would call and see him if he ever came to Stillwater!

Meeker County

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