Biography of Knud Nedburge of Goose Prairie Township Minnesota

Red River Valley title page vol 2

Knud Nedburge, born in Norway in 1865, is a prominent agriculturalist in Goose Prairie Township, Clay County, Minnesota. The son of Lars and Ingabor Nedburge, he immigrated to the United States in 1885, initially settling in Twin Valley, Minnesota, before moving to Clay County. After working as a farm laborer for five years, he married Clara Nykreim in 1890. They purchased a 160-acre farm near Ulen, Minnesota, transforming it into a well-developed property with a fifteen-room residence and extensive farm buildings. The couple had eight children, seven of whom survived. Nedburge was active in the United Lutheran Church and local politics, serving as a Republican school treasurer and board supervisor.

Biography of Mrs. Lars O. Hitterdal of Goose Prairie Township Minnesota

Red River Valley title page vol 2

Mrs. Lars O. Hitterdal, born in Lunner, Ringerike, Norway, in 1865, resided in a modern ten-room brick home in Goose Prairie Township, Clay County, Minnesota. She emigrated to the U.S. in 1875 with her mother, Christa Helgeson, and married Lars O. Hitterdal in 1883. Lars, born on April 26, 1858, in Norway, homesteaded in Clay County, overcoming early hardships to become a prosperous farmer with 500 acres of fertile land. After Lars’s death in 1900, Mrs. Hitterdal continued to manage their estate. She was known for her hospitality and rich stories of the early pioneer days in Clay County.

Biography of Torkle Austinson of Ulen, Minnesota

Red River Valley title page vol 2

Torkle Austinson, father of Mr. A. T. Austinson, a prominent politician of Ulen township, was born in Hallingdohl, Norway, July 6, 1826, and is now living with his son, in Ambrose, North Dakota. He married Miss Gure Oleson, in Norway, in 1854. She was born, October 7, 1819, and died … Read more

Biography of A. T. Austinson of Ulen, Minnesota

A T Austinson

A. T. Austinson, one of the founders and builders of the village of Ulen, Minnesota, was born in Norway, May 5, 1857. His parents were Torkle and Guri (Descud) Austinson. Mr. Austinson came to the United States in 1868, and settled first in the town of Primrose, Dane county, Wisconsin, … Read more