Biography of Edward Syverson of Ulen Minnesota

Red River Valley title page vol 2

Edward Syverson, a prosperous and progressive young merchant in Ulen, Minnesota, is highly regarded for his successful businesses in dry goods, clothing, shoes, and groceries. With extensive experience in various fields, including traveling as a salesman, his understanding of human nature contributes to his success. Edward’s affable personality and dedication to his community make him a respected figure. He is a member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks and comes from a family with a strong emphasis on education and growth.

Biography of Charles S. Marden of Barnesville MN

Red River Valley title page vol 2

Charles S. Marden, a lawyer based in Barnesville, Minnesota, has an impressive background. Born in Vermont, he relocated to Fergus Falls before settling in Barnesville. Marden served as the county attorney of Clay County and is a member of several fraternal organizations, including the Masonic Order and the Society of Sons of the American Revolution.

Biography of William H. Diemert of Moorhead, Minnesota

Red River Valley title page vol 2

William H. Diemert, wholesale liquor dealer, of Moorhead, Minnesota, ranks among the leading business men of the city. He is a native of Canada, and was born there on June 15, 1873, the son of Andrew and Rosalia Diemert, who emigrated from Germany to America many years ago, and settled … Read more

Biography of Irving S. Catlin of Barnesville, Minnesota

Red River Valley title page vol 2

Irving S. Catlin, of the firm of Catlin Brothers, dealers in drugs, jewelry and notions, at Barnesville, Minnesota, is a native of Elkhorn, Wisconsin, and was born April 23, 1871, the youngest son of Nelson and Elizabeth (Keyes) Catlin. The father, born in Litchfield, Herkimer county, New York, was of … Read more